Climb to Kumaipo | Video

808 Gracie Fighter, Strength Conditioning,

The Kumaipio Trail is an old trail that was used by the Hawaiians since ancient times as a shortcut between Waianae and Makaha.  The trail takes its name from the area in the very back of Waianae Valley tucked against the mountains where Kamaileunu Ridge meets Mount Kaala.

It has been used by hikers and hunters in modern times.  The Wai`anae portion is easy to follow and well cleared.  The Makaha portion is mostly overgrown and in some sections lost.

Watch as STRENGTHconditioning coach Kawika Pa’aluhi lead 808 Gracie Fighter to the trail ancient Hawaiians used for hundreds of years.


Johanne Mitchell • Lynn Mitchell • Alexis Mitchell (16 years old)  • Sky Mitchell (8 years old) • Gino Rosales • Kawika Pa’aluhi • Hakui Pa’aluhi (6 years old) • Raquel Pa’aluhi • Kaimana Holloway • Joey Iokia • Leichelle Iokia • Jeizelle Iokia (14 years old)• Joey Iokia Jr (6 years old) • Joey Vega (15 years old) • Drew Stewart • Chris Nieves • Carmelo Nieves (7 years old)

808 Gracie Fighter Lifestyle

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